Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lord Knows...

"Only the Lord knows
the Most High
like Louis, Marian & Le-na
I try
to forget
the trouble I've seen. I
waited patiently,
praying, crying
til the tears streamed. I
waded in the water,
swung low,
on my knees like Tebow,
opposite of a bronco,
hung in, though.

The Lord, Almighty,
He knows."

i wrote this on 1/16/12


  1. Lord knows I've experienced the exact same emotions, here and there, being expressed within the words of your heartfelt prose.

    Lena Horne sang an almost spiritual-like version of Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen.

  2. Hey Don,

    I think Lena's version IS spiritual... which is why I included her... cool that you knew who I was talking about. :-)
